Why Choose Us?

  • Quite simply, we believe we are the best at what we do.
  • Years of experience and knowledge to assist and help you
  • Largest range in stock. If required, we can erect a monument within a few days of order
  • Only the best quality materials are used that have been proven to last
  • Monuments are all we do {not a sideline to another business}
  • We supply at the lowest price possible
  • Locally owned and operated means personal service

For your protection, we are members of the New Zealand Master Monumental Masons Association. To be admitted to membership, a high standard of workmanship and ethics is required. Daryl Anderson is a past national President of the N.Z.M.M.M.A. Because of the experience criteria expected to be met by members, the association confidently guarantees our installation workmanship.

You do not have to accept sub standard workmanship. Please select your monumental mason with care.

We have a very wide range of headstones in our showrooms which are constantly changing. There is no limit to what we can make in design and colour. To keep our charges as low as possible, we directly import most of the monuments we sell, so there is no “middleman” to take his cut.

If you have an unveiling date and a specific design or colour in mind, we would suggest an early inquiry so as to avoid disappointment. The lead in time can be 2-4 months for our special design imports, but we always have a huge range of standard stock on hand.

Our prices always include any amount of lettering on the headstone face in white or silver, and include cemetery installation. Quotes are GST inclusive. [Conditions may apply]

Our contact details

Hawera - Head Office


33 High Street


06 278 5518

New Plymouth


209 Coronation Ave


06 759 9975