Welcome to Headstone Warehouse
Where you go for headstones
NOTE: Our contact page is now working so feel free to query your requirements via that page.
Some of our other pages are not working so we have the IT team looking into those issues now. The pricelist is still active so if you need to identify a certain stone/base it will be on that. Also feel free to contact us on one of the contact numbers/emails throughout the webpage.
We have a wide range of over 2000 headstones in our stock, but have also noticed an increase time in transport from our overseas suppliers, so please ensure you allow plenty of time for the installation of a memorial for your loved one. Transport is now more like 4months while the world comes to terms with how covid has affected our “norm”
Exceeding the standard since 1914
Find us on facebookHeadstones

We have one of the largest headstone ranges in New Zealand. Read on to view them all.

Our restoration services range from making your loved one's headstone look like new, to large scale alterations. Read on to see some example work.

Here is a library of just a few of the thousands of monuments we have completed, we trust they will help you in your decision making.
Our Showrooms

Read on to find information about where to find our showrooms and how to get in touch.
About Headstone Warehouse
This family business is owned by Shaun and Kelly Judkins. Having purchased the business from Daryl and Rose Anderson in December 2021, Shaun and Kelly are intent on maintaining the high standards that Daryl and Rose maintained though-out their tenure. Shaun and Kelly are both family oriented and with our skilled team are able to empower families to be confident in the choices they make for a monument that will last generations in their family. We erect headstones ourselves in the greater Taranaki region and also freight memorials throughout the country, or Pacific Island region for installation.
Latest News
Our new look price list is on this website and can be viewed on your mobile device easily. It has the helpful addition of the actual headstone image/design which makes the choosing process so much easier.
We’ve recently added a ninth staff member to the team; so a sixth person for the Production Team – hoping this will reduce our completion time for family memorials and ease the work load a bit for our amazing team. |